SSGOI Basic Usage: Crafting Your First Transition 🎭

Ready to see some magic? Let’s create your first SSGOI transition! Follow these steps to add smooth transitions to your Svelte app.

1. Create a Transition Configuration 🛠️

First, let’s set up your transition rules. Create a new file called transitionConfig.ts in your project:

import { createTransitionConfig, transitions } from 'ssgoi';

const config = createTransitionConfig({
  transitions: [
      from: '/home',
      to: '/about',
      transitions: transitions.fade(),
      from: '/blog',
      to: '/post/*',
      transitions: (context) => {
        return context.isMobile ? transitions.slideRight() : transitions.fade()
  defaultTransition: transitions.fade()

export default config;

This configuration sets up fade transitions between home and about pages, and slide transitions between blog and post pages.

2. Set Up SSGOI in Your Layout 🏗️

Now, let’s integrate SSGOI into your main layout file (usually __layout.svelte in SvelteKit):

<script lang="ts">import { onNavigate } from "$app/navigation";
import { Ssgoi } from "ssgoi";
import config from "./transitionConfig";
let className = "your-custom-class";

<Ssgoi {onNavigate} {config} class={className}>
  <slot />

This wraps your entire app with SSGOI, allowing it to manage transitions between pages. The class prop allows you to add custom styling to the SSGOI wrapper.

3. Add PageTransition to Your Pages 🎬

Finally, wrap the content of each page with the PageTransition component:

<script lang="ts">import { PageTransition } from "ssgoi";
let className = "your-custom-page-class";

<PageTransition class={className}>
  <h1>Welcome to my awesome page!</h1>
  <p>This content will transition smoothly.</p>

Repeat this for all your pages to enable transitions. The class prop allows you to add custom styling to each page transition wrapper.

Styling Your Transitions 🎨

The PageTransition component adds a data-page-transition attribute to its wrapper div. You can use this for more specific CSS targeting:

[data-page-transition] {
  /* Your styles here */

This allows you to style the transition wrapper without affecting other parts of your app.

And… Action! 🎉

That’s it! Your Svelte app is now equipped with smooth page transitions. Navigate between pages to see the magic happen!


  • The Ssgoi component goes in your layout file.
  • The PageTransition component goes in each individual page file.
  • Customize your transitions in the transitionConfig.ts file.
  • Use the class prop and data-page-transition attribute for styling.

Now go forth and create some transition magic! ✨🚀