Creating Custom Transitions in SSGOI: Be the Transition Artist 🎨

Ready to paint your own transition masterpiece? Let’s dive into creating custom transitions with SSGOI!

The Anatomy of a Custom Transition 🧬

A custom transition in SSGOI is a function that returns an object with in and out properties. Each of these properties is a function that returns a Svelte transition object.

Here’s the basic structure:

const myCustomTransition = () => ({
  in: (node, params) => ({
    duration: 300,
    css: (t, u) => `/* Your CSS magic here */`
  out: (node, params) => ({
    duration: 300,
    css: (t, u) => `/* More CSS wizardry */`

Let’s break it down:

  • node: The HTML element being transitioned.
  • params: Any parameters passed to the transition.
  • t: Goes from 0 to 1 during the transition.
  • u: Goes from 1 to 0 (it’s 1 - t).

Your First Custom Transition: The Wobble 🌀

Let’s create a fun “wobble” transition:

const wobble = () => ({
  in: (node, params) => ({
    duration: 300,
    css: (t) => `
      transform: scale(${1 - Math.cos(t * Math.PI) * 0.1});
      opacity: ${t};
  out: (node, params) => ({
    duration: 300,
    css: (t, u) => `
      transform: scale(${1 + Math.sin(u * Math.PI) * 0.1});
      opacity: ${u};

This transition makes elements grow and shrink slightly as they appear or disappear.

Adding Parameters: The Flexible Artist 🎭

Let’s make our wobble transition more flexible:

const wobble = (intensity = 0.1, duration = 300) => ({
  in: (node, params) => ({
    css: (t) => `
      transform: scale(${1 - Math.cos(t * Math.PI) * intensity});
      opacity: ${t};
  out: (node, params) => ({
    css: (t, u) => `
      transform: scale(${1 + Math.sin(u * Math.PI) * intensity});
      opacity: ${u};

Now you can customize the wobble:

transitions.wobble(0.2, 500)  // More intense wobble, longer duration

Advanced Techniques: The Transition Maestro 🎻

1. Using JavaScript Animations

For more complex animations, you can use the tick function instead of css:

const complexAnimation = () => ({
  in: (node, params) => ({
    duration: 1000,
    tick: (t, u) => {
      // Perform complex calculations = `/* Complex transform */`; = t;
  // ... out transition

2. Asymmetric Transitions

Your in and out transitions don’t have to match:

const asymmetricTransition = () => ({
  in: (node, params) => ({
    duration: 300,
    css: (t) => `transform: translateX(${100 - t * 100}%); opacity: ${t};`
  out: (node, params) => ({
    duration: 600,
    css: (t, u) => `transform: scale(${u}); opacity: ${u};`

3. Transition Composition

You can compose transitions for more complex effects:

const composedTransition = () => {
  const slide = transitions.slide();
  const fade = transitions.fade();
  return {
    in: (node, params) => {, params);
      return, params);
    out: (node, params) => {
      slide.out(node, params);
      return fade.out(node, params);

Using Your Custom Transition 🚀

Once you’ve created your masterpiece, use it in your config like any other transition:

import { createTransitionConfig } from 'ssgoi';
import { wobble, asymmetricTransition } from './myCustomTransitions';

const config = createTransitionConfig({
  transitions: [
      from: '/home',
      to: '/about',
      transitions: wobble(0.2, 500),
      from: '/blog',
      to: '/blog/*',
      transitions: asymmetricTransition(),
  defaultTransition: transitions.fade()

And there you have it! You’re now a certified SSGOI transition artist. Remember, the key to great transitions is subtlety and purpose. Use your new powers wisely, and create transitions that enhance your user’s experience! 🎨✨